Sunday, March 18, 2007


1) I admittedly prefer straight fried egg on a roll to your traditional bacon, egg & cheese on a roll sandwich. Yesterday, like many days, I walked into the deli, took a deep breathe, and then ordered the traditional sandwich instead of my preference. Why? Because I am such a coward that I am unwilling to ask for what I want from a strange man behind a counter that I will never have any real connection to. But he's going to judge me, right? Him and the guy who rings me up. Why is it so weird to just order plain egg on a roll? It's simple, and with a little salt, can be nice. Like horsefood, nice. I'm a horsefood person.

2) When I was a kid we used to stop at the same deli every morning (between berkeley and union on 7th avenue) and I'd order a sandwich. Without fail the butcher would ask if I wanted anything on my sandwich. I'd say, "lettuce" maybe. He'd say, "tomato? mayonaise?" And I'd say no, and crumble inside. In my head the butcher was saying, "Jesus Christ, he doesn't want anything? It's going to be dry and plain. Give me a break," etc...

3) I used to ask the bartender for, "the cheapest beer." For a long time I did this without shame. Fuck it, that's exactly what I wanted, and I didn't care about the fact its something your not supposed to ask. You want to know what's cheapest when it comes to beer. I felt a little macho in asking too, and I never feel very macho. Never. Alas, my friends ordered me to stop asking for the cheapest beer, they were embarassed by my straight forward talking. I order budweiser now, or stella, and I search and seach for the prices. But the prices are rarely, if ever, listed.

and BRONSON VS GOD is up and running again.

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