Sunday, April 1, 2007


Top photo from NY Times. Bill & Hillary.

Went to Moma. Middle photo, I actually saw, and enjoyed. Bottom photo by a photographer, whose name escapes me, who had photos in their collection, but not that one. I looked him up earlier today when I could remember his name and found out that he took his first picture of a dead body when he was something like 12.

The Jeff Wall pictures are worth seeing, but the show as a whole left me with a bad taste. Elaborately staged pictures automatically are fighting uphill with me.

Then today, I played the softball. That's a nickname of mine, "Softball." I pitched and gave up 14 runs. I wasn't as terrible as that sounds. We were losing 14-0, completely outclassed, but having a fun time. The bases were loaded, two outs, and they needed one more run for the mercy rule to end the game. The overhead lights went out as their slugger made his way to the plate.

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